Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Research Paper Blueprint

In our "Writer's Reference" text book there's an excellent sampling on pg.#317, which outlines an ideal process by which to prepare to write a proper research paper. I fully intend on using this guideline as a "template" for pre-writing my paper.
My first step is to check out as many books relating to the brain ( my topic) as possible. I will then find, via the computer, any articles written about the brain as well as nutritional elements affecting the brain. The complete title of my research paper is: "How Nutrition Affects the Brain." After much reading and taking notes, I will then write an outline. From that outline, I will write a first draft of my paper. If I feel I need more resources for the paper, I will
seek out further information on my topic. After re-reading my first draft, I will revise and organize accordingly, and then write the final draft. I shall then proof-read the final draft looking for typos, spelling errors, and any grammar faux pas. Hopefully, by this stage, I will be very pleased with the way my research paper flows, and I will gladly hand in this arduous english assignment!

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